Renovation and Extension



Renovation and extensions to existing 3x1 brick and tile home. Renovation included repurposing existing areas of the house: Conversion of garage to new kitchen, the original kitchen extended and converted to create large dining area and the master bedroom and ensuite extended.

Two new ground floor areas added to house and linked by a new first floor addition to create large cathedral ceilings, as well as extra bedroom / study.

All additions to existing home constructed in Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS) technology.


"Andy and Ian came to us on recommendation from the SIPS manufacturer, as someone "that actually lives in a house built by the product", doesn't get better than that in my mind. Using the material was a first for a lot of the ancillary trades on site but Ian and Andy guided them through the process and kept the build on track. They helped us during the planning phase and we worked well together in a fluid process during the build to overcome obstacles and changes. Renovations are never as straightforward as a clean build but with the combined skill set and experience of the team and contacts in the trade used on multiple occasions it worked very well. The quality of the carpentry work was commented on by visiting trades and the tie in between the old and new was structurally solid. I would not hesitate to recommend AVP to anyone requiring building services, extremely personable, easy to work with and flexible.
Very happy that we chose the SIPS product, the house is warm and it also has good sound deadening qualities leading to a "cosy" feel. The strength of the product allows far better design aesthetics for vaulted ceilings etc."
